Uskonnollinen paikka

Santa Maria degli Angeli - Porziuncola basilika

52 paikallista suosittelee,

Vihjeitä paikallisilta

July 13, 2017
Visit the basilica where San Francesco of Assisi build his church...
August 21, 2021
This is the place that Saint Francis loved the most. He restored the Porziuncola chapel "little portion" and this is where is lived with his brothers. It is also the place where Francis died. So, before you go to Assisi to the Basilica of Saint Francis, come here first and learn about his life. I can help you arrange a guided tour by a friar. Don't miss the Statue of Saint Francis where the doves nest in his hands and the Rose Garden.
This is the place that Saint Francis loved the most. He restored the Porziuncola chapel "little portion" and this is where is lived with his brothers. It is also the place where Francis died. So, before you go to Assisi to the Basilica of Saint Francis, come here first and learn about his life. I…
B&B Umbria
October 26, 2014
All'interno della basilica è presente la Porziuncola, all'epoca chiamata con il nome latino "Portiuncola", al IV secolo, ad opera di eremiti provenienti dalla Palestina.
December 15, 2015
Bellissima Basilica del 500, all'interno troverete la porziuncola dove si recava San Francesco.
November 12, 2015
perché al suo interno vi è La Porziuncola che è bellissima

Ainutlaatuista tekemistä lähistöllä

Tryffelihaku Assisi Tryffelillä yhden päivän ajan
Tryffelinmetsästyselämys - tryffelinmetsästys Assisi Umbria
Viininmaistelua perheomisteisessa viinitilassa

Paikalliset asukkaat suosittelevat myös

1 Piazza Porziuncola
Santa Maria degli Angeli, Umbria